08 8255 2219

Nature Play

The Nature Play space was officially opened on Wednesday 30th August 2017. We have used the fire pit for Bush Tucker lessons, with students cooking wattle seed pancakes, kangaroo stew and bush bread. The sandpits are very popular and students love pumping water down the creek to make dams and channels in the sand. We have seen students using great team work, creativity and problem solving skills whilst playing in the space. The nest swing is also very popular with the students. They have been able to problem solve how to maintain safety and equity whilst using the swing which is great to see. The mud kitchen encourages imaginative play and the quarry allows students to dig to discover different soils and rocks which are hidden for the students to find.


Nature play sandpit  

Nature play 6

Nature play tunnel  

Nature play mud kitchen

nature play1  

Nature play teepees

Nature play dome  

Nature play 3