08 8255 2219
  • we are safe
  • we are powerful learners
  • we are safe
  • we are respectful
  • we are united as a team

Welcome to Elizabeth South Primary School

Elizabeth South Primary School was the first public school established in Elizabeth in 1956. Over the past five years the school has been transformed, with classes de-institutionalised and deprivatised to ensure inclusive education for all in a comfortable, calm and friendly learning environment.


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The Elizabeth South Primary School Learning Code outlines the school vision through the following statements; We are Powerful Learners, We take Pride, We are Safe, We are Respectful and We are United as a Team. The Learning Code influences expectations and decision-making and underpins the behaviours we believe are important to help students achieve to their full potential.

We Take Pride We are Powerful Learners We are Safe At Elizabeth South Primary School We are Respectful We are United as a Team

Our work surrounding wellbeing is driven by the Berry Street Education Model. The Berry Street Education Model is a trauma-sensitive approach to teaching and learning that supports all learners to develop a strong understanding of their own bodies and how they respond to stress. The five components of the model are; Body, Relationship, Engagement, Stamina and Character. It ties in closely with the Positive Education Model the school has embedded over the past four years.

Specialist programs offered at Elizabeth South Primary School include; Stephanie Alexander Kitchen/Garden Program and Health & Physical Education. Our language other than English is AUSLAN (Sign Language) which is integrated into all learning areas and is delivered by classroom teachers.

Elizabeth South Primary School has a welcoming atmosphere and a strong wellbeing focus. Staff are a united and collegiate team who want the best for their students. To support student wellbeing, the school has strategically created wellbeing spaces. These areas are the Wellbeing Hub, Rainforest area, Nature Play, Garden, and the Chicken Coop.

Enrolment currently sits at 179 students, with eight R-6 mainstream classes and two Area Resource Special Classes (R-2 & Yr 3-6). Our school has an ICSEA score of 880 and is classified as a Category 1 on the Department for Education Index of Community Socio-educational Advantage. The student population is diverse with 45% of students representing a range of cultural backgrounds. Aboriginal students make up 20% of the school population and 30% of the students are Students with Disabilities, inclusive of the 20 students in the special classes. Approximately 90% of students are eligible for school card.


 Leadership Team


Steve Clarke


 Steve Clarke 2023 custom

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Danielle Green

Deputy Principal

Danielle Green 2023

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Sara Barwell

Assistant Principal

 Sara Barwell 2023 Custom

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Kim Buck

Student Wellbeing Leader


Kim Buck 2023 Custom

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