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curriculum All schools in South Australia are required to implement the Australian Curriculum in all areas of learning. Students are learning Auslan as our LOTE subject and will be assessed on their achievement.

Our learning is closely aligned to the Learning Code of the school. We believe that every child has the ability to learn, can be successful through achieving their personal best and will make valuable citizens within the community. Building a strong partnership with parents/caregivers underpins our school value of community. When parents and caregivers are involved in the learning process for a child, increased learning outcomes can be achieved. Parents and Caregivers know their child better than anyone and the information that is shared with your child’s teacher is invaluable. Likewise, when parents understand what they can do to support the school we strengthen the learning process for children.

Assessment and Reporting

Data that underpins the reporting on student achievement includes NAPLAN, PAT Maths, PAT-Reading, Read Write Inc and Big Ideas in Number diagnostic assessments. Teachers will also use a range of formative assessment strategies when allocating grades for students on the quality of their learning.