08 8255 2219

Read Write Inc.

Read Write Inc. Phonics (RWI) is a rigorous program that is proven to create fluent, enthusiastic readers, confident speakers and willing writers. It incorporates effective classroom management strategies that ensure participation and fast progress for all students, and comes with comprehensive lesson plans and assessment resources.


Read Write Inc. Phonics is:

  • a comprehensive, robust, curriculum-aligned literacy program

  • a ‘phonics first and fast’ approach, with all aspects of literacy connecting

  • a program where every teacher is trained and confident to teach every child

  • best implemented as a whole-school, consistent, systematic approach

  • proven in both the UK and Australia as a program that delivers results.


At Elizabeth South Primary School we are using this program as a whole school approach.  All students are grouped according to their current knowledge and are split into small ability-based groups during RWI time (9:40am - 10:30am). Students are tested frequently and will move through the groups depending on any gaps they have in their knowledge.